there is `actor { }`
# coroutines
there is
actor { }
that’s only available on JVM. I’m needing some way to have similar functionality in an MPP app. Besides,
actor { }
is deprecated, so I don’t really want to get bought into an API that is not being supported and may be removed
Flow and actors are completely unrelated. If you need a full-fledged actor library, even
would be insufficient, but if you just want to serialized concurrent access to mutable state it's really easy to just make an inbox channel and launch a coroutine to read from it and process messages (basically all
does anyway). All the pieces for that should be available for multiplatform, I'm surprised
👍 1
Yeah, I’m not needing anything too crazy. Basically just need to process a stream of events that do some computation and then update/replace an immutable state object. I was hoping for a higher-level API that using channels directly, but I will give that a shot
Sounds like you could also just implement that as a stream transformer with Flow. The flow approach is more push-based, the actor one is more pull-based. Maybe one advantage of the actor approach is that it focuses on ownership of the processor – you explicitly launch a single coroutine to do the processing from a single channel, it’s clear there’s only one of each and what their lifetime is. With a flow approach, something like
events.transform { … }.stateIn(scope)
, fact that there’s a single transformer and inbox is implied by the
, but it’s less obvious. Also,
doesn’t exist yet 😅
will be deprecated in the future yeah? 🤔
The current form of actors are not so much deprecated as obsolete, in they are working on a new design for them to support more complex use cases. I would be quite surprised if they break binary compatibility even once the new design is finished and released
Got it... I just don't use it because the docs say to do so 😄