Quick launch question. I have a method I have to i...
# coroutines
Quick launch question. I have a method I have to implement. It's called externally, and isn't expected to return till the spawned coroutine exits. I used
with great results. But, now I want to use a scope for the class. I have this:
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private val scope = CoroutineScope(serverCoroutineDispatcher )

    fun doWork() {
        runBlocking(scope.coroutineContext) {
The runBlocking with the scope's context feels wrong. I could
but then it would return instantly. What am I missing?
I'd say the most correct thing to do is:
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basically, create a "child" of the context
hmm, actually, you may not need to do that
it seems like
already creates a child coroutine, at least from static analysis. I'll test it out
When you do:
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scope.launch { 
    // your stuff
inside your
function it will return instantly (as you noticed) because your function is not suspend or it is not waiting your launch to be completed
But when you do
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runBlocking(scope.coroutineContext) {
It causes an illusion that doWork is waiting for your process to be completed cause runBlocking blocks your current thread
here is my proof for
spawning a child job:
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val ctx = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default + SupervisorJob())

fun main() {
    try {
        runBlocking(ctx.coroutineContext) {
            println("I am running...")
            println("But now I will cancel the job by throwing! If I'm not a child coroutine, this _will_ cancel the ctx")
            error("Test error")
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        println("The other runBlocking bailed out: ${e.message}")
    runBlocking(ctx.coroutineContext) {
        println("[A] I will never run if my Job is cancelled.")
    // explicitly cancel now
    runBlocking(ctx.coroutineContext) {
        println("[B] I will never run if my Job is cancelled.")
results in
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I am running...
But now I will cancel the job by throwing! If I'm not a child coroutine, this _will_ cancel the ctx
The other runBlocking bailed out: Test error
[A] I will never run if my Job is cancelled.
Exception in thread "main" kotlinx.coroutines.JobCancellationException: Job was cancelled; job=SupervisorJobImpl{Cancelled}@3e57cd70
so I believe that what you are doing now is just fine, and will do what you want
I have code that looks like this this:
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suspend fun disconnect(reason: DisconnectReason) {
using runBlocking I think is usually a mistake
when a method suspends you shouldn't hide that
In this case, the caller is an old legacy system. They're expecting the method to block until it's complete.
I could make the entry point a runBlocking and then turn around and call a suspend function that uses withContext.. That'd probably work(and expose the "desired" api upstream as well)
My last thing I'm trying to grock is scope vs context.
It just feels weird/wrong to go in and grab the context from the scope
@octylFractal So the throwing exception not canceling is actually what I want. This is inside a backend server where I want to control all jobs spawned for easy shutdown, but not necessarily want the kill server on exception
Actually, that testing brings up a question. When I create
it creates a Job as part of that if there isn't one already. Then when I runBlocking with that scope that then throws, shouldn't the Job be canceled in that case?
I guess I'm looking for the best way to manage scope/context for a backend server(think webapp server) where each request is independent. Should I have 2 scopes? One per request? And one for background tasks?
Or, I make a beautiful root scope that has a superVisor job, and then create an additional child scope w/ a new Job per request