Hi All, Im writing some test code and I seem to b...
# coroutines
Hi All, Im writing some test code and I seem to be having issues with Coroutines. I want to make a request to
but it calls the function and kicks it off on a new Coroutine. This causes the test to continue and hit the verify BEFORE the request is made. Im working in Multiplatform and using Coroutine testing tools in Android as a target for the tests. This is my test:
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class KAuthenticationServiceTest {

    var loginRequest = service.auth.login.build("<mailto:fakeEmail@mail.com|fakeEmail@mail.com>", "fakePassword")

    var mockStorage = MockStorage()
    var mockCredentialsManager = MockCredentialsManager()
    var mockNetworkManager = MockNetworkManager()
    lateinit var authService: AuthService

    fun setup() {
        authService = KAuthenticationService(
            storage = mockStorage,
            credentialsManager = mockCredentialsManager,
            networkManager = mockNetworkManager

     * Given:   A user requests to login
     * When:    The call is made to the login interactor
     * Then:    The request is executed successfully
    fun callIsMadeToLoginInteractorToExecuteRequest() = runTest {
        authService.login(loginRequest, {}, {})
        assertTrue {
            mockNetworkManager.requestValue == loginRequest
The run test function in Android is the following:
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val mainThreadSurrogate = newSingleThreadContext("UI thread")

actual fun <T> runTest(block: suspend () -> T) {
    runBlockingTest {  block() }
Im a bit lost as to how I can get the runBlocking to run the authService.login on the same thread so it blocks until executed and then continues to the assert? Has anyone got any suggestions?
how does authService.login look
should probably be suspend fun login()
sounds like you are doing a launch inside of it and it passes right through it
This is my interactor:
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internal class LoginInteractor(
    private val loginRequest: LoginRequest,
    private val onSuccess: (Unit) -> Unit,
    private val onError: (KarhooError) -> Unit,
    context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main,
    private val credentialsManager: CredentialsManager,
    private val networkManager: NetworkManager
) :
        requestRequiresToken = false,
        context = context,
        credentialsManager = credentialsManager,
        onError = onError
    ) {

    override suspend fun makeRequest() {
        networkManager.request(loginRequest).fold(onError, ::onSuccess)

    private fun onSuccess(credentials: Credentials) {

It has a base class of this so far.
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internal abstract class BaseCallInteractor<RESPONSE> protected constructor(private val requestRequiresToken: Boolean,
                                                                           private val credentialsManager: CredentialsManager,
                                                                           private val onError: (KError) -> Unit,
                                                                           private val context: CoroutineContext,
) {

    internal abstract suspend fun makeRequest()

    fun execute() {
        GlobalScope.launch(context) {
            if (shouldRefreshToken()) {

            } else {

    private fun shouldRefreshToken(): Boolean {
        //requestRequiresToken && !credentialsManager.isValidToken
        return false

    private suspend fun successfulCredentials(credentials: Credentials) {

Sorry I don't understand your code. Looks like you using callbacks but when you use coroutines it should look sequential, so you wouldn't have callbacks. It should be something like this:
override suspend fun makeRequest(loginRequest: LoginRequest) { val result = networkManager.request(loginRequest) if(result == sucess) { onSuccess } else { onError } }
a callback passes right through the call and calls a function when it completes
a coroutine suspends until the callback is called
so the flow looks sequential
Yep, Its part of a lib im building that the user passes in the Request and the onSuccess lambda and onError lambda. I think your right. Ill give it a go tomorrow. I know it works currently so I just need to make it more testable. This is a POC before we roll it out so I need to lock down a pattern before we shift our SDKs to KMP