maybe like this? ```suspend fun someAction() = cor...
# coroutines
maybe like this?
Copy code
suspend fun someAction() = coroutineScope {
I wrote a blog post about CoroutineScope and how to handle lifecycles with them. Towards the end I write about how to handle communication of objects that have different lifecycles.
I see so
repoScope.async {}.await()
inside a suspend function I've never seen this, is this idiomatic? (that its inside a suspend fun is what gets me)
backend people' coroutines are all scoped by requests right? maybe thats why Roman has never talked about this
Yup. As soon as the requestor/client goes away, the entire request is cancelled, since no one would be interested in it anymore. But in a few cases, even if the requestor/client goes away, the object handling the request may still be interested in it (e.g still caching a network-response even after the screen is closed by the user). There may be other use-cases.
yeam im just wondering why this api is not cleaner
feels like a afterthought
I don’t know if it is idiomatic or not. But in
repoScope.async { doSomething() }.await()
, the
will not be cancelled even if the caller of
has ended (the
call, which will run in _caller_’s scope, will be cancelled asap). You can hide the
inside the Repo-class and make it somewhat invisible to the caller/client
This is not a common use-case… maybe therefore it is slightly more verbous…?
well not common for backends, for clients this is super common
im wondering if its the right way to go, verzus a regular function returning Unit and executing stuff internally, and then exposing a Flow .. sort of like ViewModels already do
@elizarov maybe?
I'd argue any mutating action most likely does not want to get canceled, as opposed to reads
Often, Repos (often ‘singletons’) don’t really have their ‘own’ lifecycle, and you could just use
. Their lifecycle only ends when the app/process ends, not before that. But if you have a, for example a User-Cache (that would behave like the cache with its own lifecyle that I described earlier), this user-cache’s lifecycle could end when the user logs out, zapping the cache and cancelling any related network-requests that are still queued/outstanding.
Yup, a mutating action that is temporarily ‘queued’ (because threads are busy) is a good use-case 🙂
but I worry that if you remove the suspend modifier, then you lose a lot of power, like being able to handle some obscure android lifecycle where you need to block etc. (or a fcm push for example)
but with it its hard to reconnect with ongoing..okay im not sure anymore
isnt this actors? 😄