Is there any nice class that can be used as a repl...
# coroutines
Is there any nice class that can be used as a replacement for android LocalBroadcastManager? like a conflated channel but without any “memory” not even the last sent message?
I thought that one also kept the last message? So if i send something and no-one is listening, i still think i got that message when I started to listen later on that channel.
I might be wrong since I tried so many different things 🙂
keeps last message
If you create BroadcastChannel(BUFFERED), it will work
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public fun <E> BroadcastChannel(capacity: Int): BroadcastChannel<E> =
    when (capacity) {
        0 -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported 0 capacity for BroadcastChannel")
        UNLIMITED -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported UNLIMITED capacity for BroadcastChannel")
        CONFLATED -> ConflatedBroadcastChannel()
        BUFFERED -> ArrayBroadcastChannel(CHANNEL_DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
        else -> ArrayBroadcastChannel(capacity)
oh sorry for the formatting, Creating a BroadcastChannel with the size Conflated just creates a conflated broadcast channel.
that's why you need to create buffered
aha, thanks ill test that
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when `capacity` positive, but less than [UNLIMITED] -- creates `ArrayBroadcastChannel` with a buffer of given capacity.
 *   **Note:** this channel looses all items that are send to it until the first subscriber appears;
Note that the reason
is deprecated is because the concept of a single application-wide event bus for unrelated, unscoped events leads to code that is difficult to understand and maintain. Using
to implement the same idea will have the same associated issues.
👆 2
Splitting out different kinds of events into their own channels and scoping access and lifetime of those channels will produce much cleaner code than a literal translation from
Interesting. My current usage was to get “system wide” exceptions (like user changed password on another device, thus has to be logged out from this device as well) from a network interceptor over to the current activity in order to push the user to the login screen.
If you're scoping a BroadcastChannel that narrowly you're probably in good shape
Ok, thats seems to be more or less what i want to do, i.e. one channel for one type of events, but I want to have events not state, thats why i wanted to mimic the broadcasts with the “if non are listening, the event just dissapears”
👍 1
Still, I could probably implement this with some kind of states instead of events, and use the conflated channel types instead.
LBM and event bus usage often grew into a single bus handling those kinds of events, plus all UI button clicks, plus impression tracking, etc
it’s way to easy to fall in that trap, but for single purpose, it seems like this could be a nice way forward.
Agreed, it sounds like you have a well-scoped use case