Hi, is it technically possible to resume continuat...
# coroutines
Hi, is it technically possible to resume continuation twice when calling suspendCoroutine { cont -> cont.resumeWith(...) }?
No! It must only be done once. The second time would throw an exception I think. Do you need this?
I am just thinking what capabilities would emerge if multiple returns would be possible. It will work as some kind of re-entrant call of function (which is parent program), it's hard to imagine mentally, but if it's possible maybe we could create something like Jetpack Compose without compiler addons.
Definitely not supported and dangerous
why it would be dangerous?
By reading some examples where CPS could be applied there are interesting cases: as backtracking or others:
Use Flow for multiple value emissions. If you're thinking about for-comprehension like or do-notation like functionality, the folks from Arrow actually did make a form of multi-shot continuation possible. Not sure if their current Fx library still does that or now uses a different approach.
Not considering Arrow, coroutine code abstracted by continuation contains a state machine based on your code, which is predicated on running exactly once. Therefore, if it runs more than once on the same state machine you get undefined behaviour.
☝️ 2