Hi, I have the following suspended function, which...
# coroutines
Hi, I have the following suspended function, which I want to expose as Java APIs(blocking) and Kotlin API(non-blocking) with same method name.
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suspend fun getStoreMapping(country: String): List<Store> {
    return client.getStoreMapping(country).stores
Currently, the only option I have is to use different method name, which calls the suspended function in
runBlocking {}
like below -
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fun getStoreMappingInJava(country: String): List<Store> {
    return runBlocking { client.getStoreMapping(country).stores }
you might be able to add
to the second one and have that work
that way, the kotlin names are different, but since the jvm signature is different, the compiler will let you name it the same thing
https://pl.kotl.in/q2J8Y2uBe appears to compile
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public final class TestKt {
  public static final java.lang.Object suspender(kotlin.coroutines.Continuation<? super kotlin.Unit>);
  public static final void suspender();
looks good to me
I prefer to call such functions with Blocking suffix to make it explicit that function will block caller thread
It would probably be more useful to expose a future, or callbacks, or Rx Single/Maybe for java callers so that they don't have to block a thread
Thanks all for the input 🙂 .