withContext(<Dispatchers.IO>) { }, would you guys ...
# coroutines
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { }, would you guys say this is similar to the coroutine saying "hey i'm about to perform some slow task, does anyone else speedier want to jump in before me?"
no, this is saying "I'm about to perform some blocking work, switching to a larger thread pool to avoid stopping other tasks"
so how does the underlying OS decide which thread from which pool to run, it's just first come first serve correct? so an example: if i had a cpu with 8 cores, and i had 8 coroutines running (that were yieldling occasionally) on Dispatchers.Default, and I submit some coroutines to Dispatchers.IO, do those get run fairly so on the next yield from Dispatchers.Default a Dispatchers.IO coroutine runs?
i guess i dont really get the benefit of switching into Dispatchers.IO, its just got a bigger threadpool... is it that by Dispatchers.Default having a limited-to-cpu thread pool it can optimize?
I think you misunderstand how coroutines work -- the OS doesn't get involved beyond threads. A standard OS scheduler will run threads according to their priority (which I believe both Default/IO use the same priority), not in a queue-like fashion. Your IO coroutines will likely run concurrently with your other coroutines, regardless of if you yield in your code.
The need for a bigger thread pool comes from blocking work -- when a coroutine blocks instead of suspending, it is not removed from the thread pool, so if you had, say, 8 network connections, and they were all blocking on
, no work could be done. if they are blocking on
, there are still many IO thread slots open, and all the
thread slots are open.
👍 2
cool, thanks that helps a lot