This ``` open class CoroutineContextProvider { ...
# coroutines
Copy code
open class CoroutineContextProvider {
    open val Main: CoroutineContext by lazy { UI }
    open val IO: CoroutineContext by lazy { CommonPool }
Is the same as :
Copy code
open class CoroutineContextProvider {
    open val main: CoroutineContext by lazy { Dispatchers.Main }
    open val IO: CoroutineContext by lazy { <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO> }
I was using experimental coroutines and now I have to update them
Also, you probably won't need those properties to be `lazy`: objects are lazy instantiated and properties of the
object are not costly to create.
Experimental means there can be breaking changes, and backwards compatibility isn't guaranteed
It's not exactly the same for CommonPool/IO, they have different threading strategies, but yes, for IO use IO dispatcher, it has own thread limits and also shares threads with Default dispatcher
So it's the same right? OK I can remove the lazy thing
Not exactly, but anyway, CommonPool is deprecated and IO has better strategy for blocking IO usecase