Hi, I'm trying to consume events from my view-mode...
# coroutines
Hi, I'm trying to consume events from my view-model in fragment and I can't realize why app is crashing:
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2019-10-09 14:49:52.581 4418-4418/my.app.id E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process: my.app.id, PID: 4418
    kotlinx.coroutines.JobCancellationException: Job was cancelled; job=SupervisorJobImpl{Cancelled}@b43ae6d
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val myEvent = Channel<Unit>(Channel.RENDEZVOUS)

	.onEach {
		Toast.makeText(requireContext(), R.string.error, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
1. it is not obivous what caused the crash from the stack trace; emiting to closed channel? 2. how can I workaround it?
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lifecycleScope.launch {
  consumeAsFlow.collect { Toast() }
1. Looks that way,
will cancel the channel when collection stops, and the lifecycleScope will be cancelled when your fragment is destroyed. 2. What behavior do you want here?
What is the nature of
Actually I'm looking for channel which will deliver the value only once. Hence consumeAsFlow seemed ok. (This is AFAICT different to PublishSubject), so I've tried randevous channel. Though I think it's not ideal (despite the crash) because new activity after rotation can miss the event in the time inbetween.