Got a flow question for y'all.. It's about .... ...
# coroutines
Got a flow question for y'all.. It's about ....
Copy code
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Flow invariant is violated:
		Emission from another coroutine is detected.
		Child of StandaloneCoroutine{Active}@2b552920, expected child of BlockingCoroutine{Completing}@2758fe70.
		FlowCollector is not thread-safe and concurrent emissions are prohibited.
		To mitigate this restriction please use 'channelFlow' builder instead of 'flow'
seems like you need to use the
I do.. But.. I was wanting this to be really suspendable instead of multi-thready...
I have a example main thing I wrote up to show what I', shooting for
the channelFlow worked.. But.. I'm new to flows and rxjava-style code in general..
and I was wondering if that was the "correct way"
I stubbed out the asynchttpclient's completablefuture w/ a faked one.
Fixed the initial compile issues. I made a second copy of the gist w/ channelFlow and it didn't work out well. 🙂
Just checking to see if I'm doing anything just "wrong" here. if I replaced the flow w/ channelFlow(and emit to send), it works perfectly. But... I'm just checking to see if I'm going down the right path
@taer Set the extension of your gist file to .kt so we get syntax highlighting
The problem is you are doing
which means you'll emit from that new scope. You indeed need to use a channel-based flow to communicate between the contexts.
Updated now. It's all now channelFlow based. I think this is probably correct.
The thing I was wondering about is .. Is this "best practice"? The 2 subFlows I have are simulated. The real code calls a http service that can wait up to 60 seconds, but returns a nice completableFuture. So, I think this is correct. All the printing seems to indicate this is working like I'd expect.
But it doesn't feel like this is 100% idiomatic. I'd love any pointers on how to make this less async'y and more suspend only.