Hi, I see a lot of examples for attaching `Corouti...
# coroutines
Hi, I see a lot of examples for attaching
to Android lifecycles with a pattern like that:
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class UiLifecycleScope : CoroutineScope, LifecycleObserver {

    private lateinit var job: Job
    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
        get() = job + Dispatchers.Main

    fun onCreate() {
        job = Job()
Do you guys see any reason for constructing the context with a getter, creating a new context every time. How about making the scope
Copy code
override lateinit var coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
    fun onCreate() {
        coroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main + Job()
Sure. But all this does not work if you want to cancel in onStop. Then your activity might get restarted but your scope is cancelled. That's why you have to inject a new Job()
What you want is something like
here, or just that: https://github.com/LouisCAD/Splitties/tree/master/modules/lifecycle-coroutines
Thanks @louiscad. I'll take a look. But this does not answer the question. I am not looking for a solution but for clarification. The pattern I described is everywhere on Google but seems to be second best. That's what I am trying to understand
You should call your job/scope startedJob/Scope for explicitness.
Creating a new context/scope each time doesn't seem good to me. I'd just create a scope on each onStart call, and do what I need there, possibly launching child coroutines.
I'd rather say rootJob. After I call cancel it is no longer started
@louiscad thanks, creating a new context in onStart is what I thought. Just too bad about every example out there goes with a context getter
you can also use
and keep the root job around iirc
Interesting. Didn't think of it yet. But then I'd have to keep the job around
cancelChildren would let coroutines started after onStop run before onStart is called again, and until the second onStop call though
👍 1