I'm trying to understand the difference between `s...
# coroutines
I'm trying to understand the difference between
when writing a wrapper around an external callback-based API. My original understanding was that the difference between the two is just whether or not the continuation you get access to in the block has methods that lets the block you write right there cancel it. So you should use the latter if the API you're wrapping has some way of indicating that it cancelled so that you would want to cancel the suspended coroutine, but otherwise there's no need to use the longer-named function. But when I test these out,
Copy code
fun main() = runBlocking {
	withTimeout(10) {
		suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit> -> }
throws a TimeoutCancellationException (as I expected), but
Copy code
fun main() = runBlocking {
	withTimeout(10) {
		suspendCoroutine { continuation: Continuation<Unit> -> }
appears to hang, which surprises me. Does that imply that when you run suspendCoroutine then your current coroutine can't be cancelled "from above"? In that case, why would you ever use suspendCoroutine instead of suspendCancellableCoroutine?
doesn't check for cancellation at all, unless you do it within the block itself using `isActive`/calling a cancellable suspend point. The reason there are both, is that cancellation isn't a concept in the stdlib coroutines, that's purely part of the kotlinx coroutines library, along with Job, CoroutineScope, etc.
to be clear,
is useful if you want to suspend in a non-Job scope, such as with
sequence {}
Ah, I see. But most of the time you want to use suspendCancellableCoroutine?
Probably, since offering as many cancellation points as possible is a good thing
whether or not the continuation you get access to in the block has methods that lets the block you write right there cancel it.
It’s the other way around –
lets you notify the API you’re wrapping that the coroutine was cancelled (via its Job). That’s why your second example hangs –
tries to cancel the coroutine, which is suspended, but since you haven’t opted into cancellation it can’t be cancelled.
@Zach Klippenstein (he/him) [MOD] so that's what I thought sCC was for — telling a wrapped API to stop when cancelled. Which made me think "if the wrapped API doesn't have a way to be cancelled and we just have to abandon it to keep running in its own non coro thread, then just use sC instead of sCC". but that isn't what seems to happen?
Ah, I misunderstood your initial message.
I think your example is hanging because
will block until all child coroutines have finished, and since your (uncancellable) coroutine never finishes, it never returns.