What is the current state of the Kotlin Native ver...
# coroutines
What is the current state of the Kotlin Native version of the KotlinX Coroutines library? Which features are available, and what are the key limitations in the Kotlin Native version?
The main limitation is lack of multithreading
Otherwise everything from kotlinx-coroutines-core should be available for native
Does that include support for the Actor concurrency model?
I might be mistaken but the
function with the Kotlin JVM version relies on threads. Is the
function available in the Kotlin Native version (without the reliance on threads)?
You don't need direct access to thread for delay, you can implement it with event loop, same on JVM
Actors are there, but the same limitation, you cannot pass non-frozen data between threads
That limitation will come from Kotlin Native's memory model.
For back-end development the lack of multi-threading is more of an annoyance than a big pain.
Presumably for all data types (incl custom ones) there will be a straightforward way to create a immutable (frozen) copy of the data.
Yeah I know, I agree with your