I need to spawn 10 worker threads which will call ...
# coroutines
I need to spawn 10 worker threads which will call blocking legacy services. I also need them to have a bounded queue from which they read from, but I don't want to go through the effort of specifying a fan out channel which they read from and then having to check the message type all the time (10 actors reading and responding pattern). Rather I'd create a custom ThreadPoolExecutor where I can make the queue bounded and submit tasks directly without having to deal with messages flowing through a channel. What do you reckon? The problem of the actor model is that I need to define a lot of data classes and check which message I get so that I know what to do in the worker, while submitting the task directly is more convenient. Unless I miss something or I get some hint here 😄
Why can't you call them directly with
withContext(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) { blockingCall() }
I want to have a limited number of pending operations and no shared state.
Pending or executing?
No shared state or no shared mutable state? You're going to have to share something, if you want to pass data back and forth.
yes I am willing to share a queue/channel
You can use a
for the former,
You can create your own dispatcher e.g.:
Copy code
val legacyDispatcher = newFixedThreadPoolContext(10, "Blocking-Legacy-Dispatcher")
and then execute on that dispatcher via
withContext(legacyDispatcher) { ... }
But note the javadocs... this API will change in the future.