Hi! I have a stupid question about coroutines. So ...
# coroutines
Hi! I have a stupid question about coroutines. So we have Channels - hot streams and Flows - cold streams. The question is: if we converting Channel into Flow - we are getting kind of 'hot' Flow???
Yes, you accessing hot channel using cold API, same with Subject in Rx
@gildor thanks, cool 😎
@gildor in general overall idea and api looks just perfect 🙂 👌
Also, soon we will get DataFlow (which is observable data holder with Flow API) which is essentially a hot Flow
so I wouldn’t focus too much on this, because it’s not so strict semantics, also should be clear separation between hot and cold nature of stream and API that used to consume it
👍 1
@gildor Would the introduction of DataFlow mean Channels may no longer be necessary? Or would they still be preferred for certain programming constructs?
ConflatedBroadcastChannel will be not necessary (or at least I don't know other usecases for it, maybe some more specific), but other types of channels are important low level primitives (and used also for Flow, even in public API like callbackFlow)
Sorry, yes, I see the need for using them in low level implementations. But would they still be needed for higher level implementations, for app development?
for own high level primitives, operators for flow etc
but probably not for everyone
Flow just safer and easier to use