What coroutine scope do you use to launch coroutin...
# coroutines
What coroutine scope do you use to launch coroutines in classes that don’t have a lifecycle? I’m creating a NotificationManager class in an Android application, and I need to use coroutines for taking some database related tasks off the main thread. This class will be used as a singleton in the project via dependency injection. Should I implement the
Coroutine Scope
interface in it? There will be no lifecycle callback to cancel the running coroutines in this scope, though. Since a single instance of this class will be shared with the entire application, any coroutines launched in this scope will be equivalent to launching them in the global scope. So should I just avoid the ceremony and use GlobalScope in this class?
val AppScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main)
You can then use if for coroutines that are scoped to the entire process. Beware of what you launch there though as no cancellation would take place right after the user leaves the UI.
In this case wouldn’t
serve the same purpose as GlobalScope?
runs on the multithreaded
. Depends on what you're calling.
You’re right, thanks for pointing out the difference.