Anybody have a link to a sample of muultiplatform ...
# coroutines
Anybody have a link to a sample of muultiplatform common code to test methods that contain coroutines. I have seen dos about it, but I cannot get around the error of Dispatch.setMain message.
I only see a DateTest in the common text folder, and no coroutines tests. Not in the Android test area.
What kind of common test you are looking to write?
You can only easily test coroutines on the JVM right now...
Okay, tried again. I added what dependencies I think I am missing to my androidTest target. Then I get the following:
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IllegalStateException: Module with the Main dispatcher had failed to initialize. For tests Dispatchers.setMain from kotlinx-coroutines-test module can be used
So I add that to my @BeforeTest setUp method, then I get this:
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Dispatchers.setMain(Dispatchers.Main) is prohibited, probably Dispatchers.resetMain() should be used instead
This is why I asked for an existing working same of testing methods that internally use coroutines from commonTest. I can live with putting all API tests in android Test if needed, but I would like them to be tested when running iosTest too… Thank you.
An aside: I recall one of the GDC videos I watched the speaker referred to this setMain idea, but I cannot find it again. If anybody knows which video this was, that would be cool.
FYI, I went through this again with the -test dependency in place, and it is now working. Thank you.