Why are suspend getters and `suspend operator fun ...
# coroutines
Why are suspend getters and
suspend operator fun get
not allowed? I assume there's reasoning for them
I usually consider getter to be very fast operation. IMO if operation is going to take a while (which most suspending operations do), it should be a function not a getter.
@serebit I wrote myself this a while ago - sadly no getter delegation so 🤷 https://gist.github.com/vishna/1cfaa059304bd2e9b8fabe0292297ce7
This is indeed one of the reasons we have not added suspended getters/setter just yet. It kind of defeats the intended properties of getter. See Kotlin coding conventions: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coding-conventions.html#functions-vs-properties
just yet
are there plans to do it?
I still think it would be beneficial to have, it’s more matter of API, it’s especially works good when you have asynchronous lazy using
and I would like to have property instead of function to access it Also it’s not necessary slow, it’s just asynchronous
But from other side, I understand that it may require quite a lot of changes, because now you have property with implicit params, and I would rather use existing approach (only function may be suspend), than make compiler even more complicated because of this
It will be way easier to implement in compiler with upcoming IR backend, but supporting suspend properties in reflection will still be quite a challenge.