I have a bunch of code that (schematically) does t...
# coroutines
I have a bunch of code that (schematically) does this:
Copy code
GlobalScope.launch {
            val deferred = CompletableDeferred<Unit>()

            Thread {
                val result = doSomething()
                if (result == SUCCESS) {
                } else {

This is working well in the nominal case but in the error case, nothing in the backstack indicates where the await() is done. Is there any chance I could have that info somehow to help debug a crash ?
are basically scattered in all the codebase and the thread is the okhttp threadpool. I get a crash from firebase reporting but no clue where the missing try/catch is.
It might be something else but it really looks like I'm missing a try/catch somewhere. Having that info in the crash report would help a lot
Okay, this coroutine adapter looks fine
First of all, did you enable coroutines debug mode? It allows to restore suspension points stack
Could you share some example of stack trace?
ah, cool, didn't know about that. That might help but I'm afraid it won't be enough as so far I haven't been able to reproduce the crash so I was hoping to get some more logs from firebase.