I have a situation where I use coroutines and the ...
# coroutines
I have a situation where I use coroutines and the upcoming semaphore class for coroutines will be very useful. However I’m pretty sure I will shoot myself in the foot and create a deadlock. Can anyone recommend a good book for understanding and handling these types of threading scenarios and preventing and resolving deadlock and the like?
I’m guessing that none of the current kotlin books would have this, so if that’s the case I’m very happy with any language that would track in an abstract way.
That is a great link, thanks. But I’m thinking something more in depth. A chapter, rather than an article, on threading.
Ok. I am not the one to guide you any further then. I will only say that I believe roman has described all relevant solutions in his article.
😁 1
This book is great, but might be a little too low-level for what you’re looking for: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Multiprocessor-Programming-Revised-Reprint/dp/0123973376
That first book looks legit. Thank you very much. 🙂