it’s very javascripty in that you have to go back ...
# coroutines
it’s very javascripty in that you have to go back and forth with reference comparison and unchecked casts to make it work, with performance as a big tradeoff compared with a sealed class or a nested Option
I don't think there's any big performance tradeoffs there at all, quite the contrary in fact.
reference check vs instaceof virtual dispatch. Maybe @[removed] knows something that we don’t 😄
There's no
check here. Reference equality and unchecked casts are used, and these are way cheaper than any complicated
type you can come up with and nesting it.
there’s any big performance tradeoffs there at all
I thought you meant compared to sealed classes, which depending on implementation may be a direct call into one of the branches instead of doing the ifcheck
Copy code
sealed class Tristate<A> {
  fun <B> fold(fu: () -> B, fn: () -> B, fa: (A) -> B)

  object Uninitialized: Tristate<Nothing> {
     override fun <B> fold(fu: () -> B, fn: () -> B, fa: (A) -> B) = fu()

  object Nullish: Tristate<Nothing> {
     override fun <B> fold(fu: () -> B, fn: () -> B, fa: (A) -> B) = fn()

  data class Option<A>(val a: A): Tristate<A> {
     override fun <B> fold(fu: () -> B, fn: () -> B, fa: (A) -> B) = fa(a)
That isn’t even an instanceof check as a when would do, it’s just a virtual call, I believe. May be wrong.
still more expensive than reference checks, for sure
you’re trading off strict types for some perf, which is what I mean by “going javascript” where everything is
like in a dynamic language
we use it on Arrow too, but it’s not to avoid a tristate but to interpret the function calls captured by IO where we’d need to match parameter types with function objects on a recursive loop and that’s just not feasible 😄
Comparing a reference check to JavaScript is a bit excessive IMO. Reference check to an internal object is a usual light pattern that is also used in stdlib's
Comparing a reference check to JavaScript is a bit excessive IMO.
Not reference check, going down to
to store a value on a variable so the variable can contain an arbitrary value of an unrelated type. So, dynamic typing of variables 😄
Well, that happens to a lot for generic containers, and as long as that doesn't spread everywhere like it does in JavaScript, I don't think it's a bad thing. The public API is still typesafe, and its behavior is tested.
instaceof virtual dispatch
Virtual dispatch is not an issue here. But allocations of
on each value and lambdas for
are. One could think of
class, but then boxing kicks in 😞
Also used in coroutine intrinsics to indicate suspension. Not sure why it's compared to js or sealed class for performance. It's implementation detail.