Yes, it should be improved. It is hard to get star...
# coroutines
Yes, it should be improved. It is hard to get started using existing documentation. You basically need to understand all of it (a lot) to get a good grasp of various patterns and practices. However, it is not that straightforward on how exactly to improve it. The current docs assumes you have have thread/async programming experience and builds upon that (for example,
is what you typically do nowadays), showing how to improve your code with structured concurrency a bit later. If we jump right away into the structured concurrency, as you suggest, then there is a risk it’ll look totally like magic for readers, so that people with a prior threads/async experience will have no way to bridge it to their existing knowledge.
👍 12
In a recent paper of yours, you cited another paper: “Notes on structured concurrency, or: Go statement considered harmful.” which was excellent. I implore you to follow up on that paper showing how “Nurseries” compare to Kotlin and how to programmatically add a coroutine to a running nursery. This in your copious spare time of course. 🙂
I have found it very difficult to differentiate unstructured Kotlin coroutines from structured concurrency so a “fresh” article/paper/document that focuses JUST on structured concurrency would be good. Is this your Sep 12, 2018 paper on Medium? There was nothing in there about channels which seem to me to be a key component of structured concurrency.