Is there any (planned) concept of priorities for c...
# coroutines
Is there any (planned) concept of priorities for coroutines? I imagine an example where I want some specific kind of work – i.e. user interaction handling – to be always executed first, while some cpu intensive work without real time requirements should be handled as soon as all higher priority continuations have been worked on.
Hi Till, does your use case allow to put the coroutines on dispatchers that are backed by prioritized threads?
Hi Uli! Not really, I want this to be platform independent. So it should work in single threaded environments like the browser.
I believe it’s possible to implement for single threaded dispatchers, priority can be passed as coroutine context. Maybe make sense to create a feature request on kotlinx.coroutines
It is definitely possible, however I believe the use-case is too domain-specific to warrant its inclusion into the core library. However, you can easily write a prioritized coroutine dispatcher in your own project.
@gildor For a fixed number of priorities it should also work with multiple workers. Just dispatch round-robin for every priority. Or do I have a misconception here?
Yes, it may work with multiple workers too of course, but use case of priority for single multi threaded dispatcher is less obvious for me Also curious about your use case
@elizarov That's no problem for me. I just wanted to make sure that this is not already possible with the core lib
@gildor Actually several use cases: On the backend (JVM) prioritization of more important tasks. The system has always enough work to do, so our CPUs are at 100% all the time. And on the frontend (js) I'm currently experimenting with coroutines and I want some things to be always done first, animation rendering for example