Hello guys, anyone already try integrate new relic...
# coroutines
Hello guys, anyone already try integrate new relic with kotlin coroutines ? I change my scheduleExecutor to coroutines, but the data is not shown at new relic dashboard
I messed around with that a couple of years ago and got something that kinda worked by using this thread : https://discuss.newrelic.com/t/how-to-associate-background-threads-with-request-scala/36314/31
but coroutines have changed so much (and I haven't really been following closely), I don't really know if it's still possible
there's also this feature request for better Vert.x/coroutines support : https://discuss.newrelic.com/t/feature-idea-vert-x-3-6-and-kotlin-coroutines-support/63216
yes I already noteice that feature request, and already vote