Question about CoroutineDispatchers and resuming s...
# coroutines
Question about CoroutineDispatchers and resuming suspension points: Say a coroutine has a context with the
which is backed by a pool of threads, let’s say “Thread-1” through “Thread-64". When a suspension point in a suspend function is reached while running in “Thread-4”, does the function always resume in the same thread, “Thread-4", or could it resume in any of the other threads of the thread-pool of
(it could be “Thread-35”)? I think it is the last option (could be in the other threads of the dispatcher), but I’m not sure … 🙂
The class documentation for
goes into that a little - looks to me that the transition from non-blocking to blocking would always retain affinity, but the task would be stolen and executed on another thread if it couldn't regain a CPU permit in within
Thanks. This would mean the continuation tries to keep it in the same thread as much as possible, but you should never ever rely on it. Is this correct?