Hello, Maybe I missed it somewhere in the documen...
# coroutines
Hello, Maybe I missed it somewhere in the documentation, but I think I can’t find a proper way to suspend a
forever - the only way to complete the
would be through cancellation of its scope. I used the
to accomplish this, but this seems wrong. Basically, the function below returns a channel that keeps sending location-updates until its enclosing scope gets cancelled.
Copy code
override fun CoroutineScope.publishLocations(): ReceiveChannel<Pair<Double, Double>> =
        Channel<Pair<Double, Double>>(capacity = Channel.CONFLATED).apply {
            val locationListener = locationListener {
                launch { send(it.latitude to it.longitude) }

            launch {
                // locationListener keeps being called each time the phone's
                // location changes, and the locations are sent to `this` Channel over and over again.
                locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(5_000L, 0f, CRITERIA, locationListener, null)

                delay(Long.MAX_VALUE) // suspend forever ...
            }.invokeOnCompletion {
                // .. until the Job (its outer CoroutineScope) is cancelled.

                // Close this Channel
                // And stop the locationManager from sending additional updates.
Is there a better alternative to creating a
that suspends forever until it’s cancelled?
You are likely looking into ways of wrapping callback api with coroutines https://github.com/Kotlin/KEEP/blob/master/proposals/coroutines.md#wrapping-callbacks
Thank you @plastiv, But I couldn’t find any info in this about the use-case in the example I posted. My example keeps sending data, over and over again, to a
until the
is cancelled. My example works, but i’m wondering if this is the correct way of doing this. Using a
, using the
it provides, is only for a callback that happens once, not one that gets called over and over again.
you could close the channel from the receiving side, detect the exception that occurs when you attempt to send an item, exit a loop and stop receiving updates
I can't really think of another way to do it, but suspending forever just doesn't seem like the right way to me
also, since it's a CONFLATED channel, you can just invoke
instead of
, which is not a suspending function so you don't need to wrap it in a coroutine.
Thank you, @Dico I’ll be looking at the
method. Using a coroutine (launching it within a Scope) is the most convenient way, that I found, to be able to handle a Scope-cancellation (e.g. the Activity/Fragment is destroyed) while the Job is handling callbacks from the GPS, as long as the Job is not cancelled. I don’t know another way of keeping the Job alive while callbacks from the GPS keep coming in; this seems easiest by just suspending indefinitely the Job until it is cancelled (by the enclosing Scope) or by an exception. But I agree… using a looooooong delay or a
smells a bit off 🙂
Actually a "suspendForever" may be added in kotlinx.coroutines: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/289
👍🏻 2
@Jonathan That is great! And it means I had at least the right idea to use this pattern fro this type of callbacks :)