So finally went to prod with coroutines :slightly_...
# coroutines
So finally went to prod with coroutines 🙂 I'm just facing a rare crash for the moment on a specific device (Galaxy Tab Android 5.0.2) have anyone saw this one before?
@Tolriq There's an issue about this on GitHub. Search for Samsung in kotlinx.coroutines repo issues.
t 😞 Thanks for the hint, this is bad news as I'm still minSDK 16. Seeing how long it was opened I supposed I'm stuck 😞
@Tolriq Can you look at my last comment ( and see if you can reproduce it in Samsung Remote test lab in one of the available devices that could exhibit this but? It's likely to be helpful.
I can't reproduce in any external lab ;( The coroutines involved are related to communication with a Media Center.
Line 50 in the crash is line 48 as there's no package + empty line in the gist but it's the exact same code otherwise in prod.
@louiscad So after a few days in prod it seems on Samsung Android 5, coroutines can crash at any time and any point without a pattern, but seeing the low number of crashes this is far from a generic always crash.