I’m refactoring one interface to change function f...
# coroutines
I’m refactoring one interface to change function from suspend to simple. Any ideas how this can be done? Current:
Copy code
Inteface T { suspend fun A: String}

Class S{
  suspend fun B(){
    val result = t.A() 
I want to change fun A to return Deferred<String> object, but not sure how to change
val result = t.A()
so the result would be the same as if A was suspend function.
I think
val result = t.A().await()
is what you are looking for?
thanks, I’ll try that
Why do you want A to return a deferred though? It's generally a better practice to write functions as suspend functions and let callers wrap them with
if they need it.
it’s an interface that should be implemented in swift, where suspend functions are not exported