I'm building a library that uses co-routines and c...
# coroutines
I'm building a library that uses co-routines and channels internally. As I see it, I have a number of options when designing my public API: • Offer an API that exposes suspending functions (which in turn uses the internal Channel structure) • Hide my co-routines completely, and offer a blocking API to the clients • Provide two separate API classes (
class XYZ
class BlockingXYZ
?) • Provide a single API class with both suspending and blocking versions of my methods, i.e.
suspend fun doABC()
fun doABCBlocking()
Are any of these choices considered idiomatic? Or should I just do what feels right to me?
Do you want your API to be usable from Java? I've heard it said that suspending functions should be named normally
suspend fun abc()
and if you want to provide Futures/Promises/Deferreds you would name them
fun abcAsync()
Good point. No, Java interop isn't important in this case, though it's always nice to have of course.
Personally, I like to provide API's with suspending functions. If I later need Java interop, I would wrap the suspending functions with an ___Async() function.
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