Looking for an advice on limiting concurrency. My ...
# coroutines
Looking for an advice on limiting concurrency. My problem is that I want to limit parallel running coroutines per some token(user, credentials, whatever) created on demand. Current implementation works, but not sure about it: https://gist.github.com/enleur/4bdd04b0e2c54b94f84a2ca62ca9b6ac
Did you see this https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/commits/typed-actors ? It might give you some good ideas. Your implementation is similar, but simpler...
👍 1
Also, why have Pool implement CoroutineScope and not Dispatcher... the`coroutineScope` builder function inherits its job anyways, and you can change the dispatcher with
from the pool... that way you can cancel the whole Dispatcher class with all the workers, you could also make it a supervisor scope if you don't want one failing subtask to cancel its parent...
👍 1
Thanks! I'll look closer to TypedActors implementation
We really need worker pool implementation on kotlinx.coroutines. Vote for this issue and share your usecases https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/172