Yes <@U3E25GSEP>, you can do it this way: ``` coro...
# coroutines
Yes @robin, you can do it this way:
Copy code
coroutineScope {
    val daemonLikeJob = launch { while (true) /* Do sth until everything is done */ }
    coroutineScope {
        launch { /* do work */ }
        launch { /* do work */ }
That requires me to define the deamon job first, which doesn't feel good to me - what if I want to start the daemon job from inside a function that doesn't know about the rest of the coroutine scope?
Don't you think it's risky to do it the other way around?
Not sure why that would be risky. Can you explain why you think so?
You may not know a function will launch a coroutine that has a larger scope. But I think that greatly depends on the implementation though
It won't be a larger scope, though, that's the whole point. It should get cancelled when the containing scope wants to finish.
I think you can get the job from the context (
val scopeJob = coroutineContext[Job]!!
), launch the daemon from
or another global but custom scope, and call
scopeJob.invokeOnCompletion { daemonJob.cancel() }
That should work, thanks! Still feel it's a little hacky, but if there's no official support for this it's probably as good as I can do.