`compile("something>name:version") { exclude(na...
# coroutines
compile("something>name:version") { exclude(name = "excludedDependency") }
This excludes a module from the dependency, for the whole dependency. What I want is to remove an added dependency from tests.
For example you want to import appCompat but you dont want recycler view that is included in it.
well i think you can split your dependencies in main only and test only (or at least you should be able to) i have never tried that
something more fine grained is not possible out of the box i think
thats my problem
i tried importing it as debugImplementation and releaseImplementation (and not having any testImplementation for it) but it doesn't work
I think it should be working that way
are releaseImplementations transitively added to your tests ?
that would kinda break the promises those configurations make
Yes, i'm getting sure that something is wrong here. I'll investigate.