<@U2E974ELT> hi! i see coroutines start 1.0.0 RC v...
# coroutines
@elizarov hi! i see coroutines start 1.0.0 RC versions, so in 1.0.0 release version not planned multithreaded support?
What kind of “multihtreaded support” you are looking for?
Can you please clarify your question?
Sorry, i not complete - question about Kotlin/Native version of coroutines. About issue - https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/462
now we can run http requests by ktor with coroutines
, but if parsing of response is long operation, or we should do some long computations - coroutines not help (in native version we can't do some job on not main thread with with suspend function)
Native is still only beta. Getting MT is not the focus of this milestone. If you need to off-load long computations you can use native workers for now. Initial effort was focused on getting single-threaded code sharing to work. You can take a look at the architecture of KotlinConf app. It works perfectly in a single thread. Parsing is not usually an issue
yes, i already do requests like in kotlinconf-app. so i can not waiting multithread support in 1.0.0, thx)