I have a list of ids and for each single id i wann...
# coroutines
I have a list of ids and for each single id i wanna perform a network request to fetch more data about that id, and return the list of "hydrated" ids.. this is a pretty standard usecase, so far so good. I have a suspend function to fetch the data for a single id, I wanna parallelise the network requests, and it's important for me that the final list is in the same order of the original list (aka, kind of
of Rx). Is
order-preserving on lists? if not, what's the best way to be non-blocking on the map while keeping the order of the list?
i suppose you do something like this?
Copy code
val results = requests
   .map { req -> async { doRequest(req) }}
simple test shows that is preserves the order
Copy code
val results = listOf(5,3,2,5,7,1,6)
            .map { async { delay(it * 1000L); it } }

Copy code
[5, 3, 2, 5, 7, 1, 6]
yea, i was using
exactly like that but couldnt find in the documentation whether it was guarantee to be order-preserving or not, and since it's not strictly equivalent to .map {it.await()} i was not that sure about the order. cool , thanks
you should add it do your unit tests in case if something changes in the future 🙂
👍 1
There is a guarantee on a preserved order. We’ve just forgot to reflect that in the docs.