This test doesn't seem to execute. Nothing is outp...
# coroutines
This test doesn't seem to execute. Nothing is outputted to the console except a Jest async timeout error message.
Promise is like launch/async, not runBlocking, isn't it? I guess test finishes before request get executed
👌 1
btw why do you use puppeteer instead of selenium?
Easier to do testing with Puppeteer, apart from issues relating to async programming in a testing environment.
Looks as though there is either a serious bug or regression in the Kotlinx Coroutines JS lib with running promises.
Had to pass a named argument (start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) to the promise function in order to get the test to run, however the test gets stuck at line 5 with the await function. A instance of the Web Browser opens but does nothing else apart from that.