:slightly_smiling_face: No worries, I appreciate y...
# coroutines
🙂 No worries, I appreciate your responses anyway, since if I come to use activities (in the future) - I have an answer! 🙂
If it helps, I’ve got a blog post describing how I’ve been doing some android stuff with coroutines: https://medium.com/@rocketwagon/presenter-as-a-function-reactive-mvp-for-android-using-kotlin-coroutines-442fc4c77119
thanks! will review in the morning 🙂
🙂 1
that example has issues, it leaves a lot of orphaned coroutines for one.
also the nullability thing doesn't make sense, as it's checked only once, right after the variable is assigned (so never null)
Yea, I need to go back and update it probably, though it's not meant to be a perfect example, as most things on the internet. For instance I include created jobs in the model so the activity can clean them up on pause