My team is already busy filling in other library g...
# coroutines
My team is already busy filling in other library gaps we have for MPP. We'll actually be pretty happy when we get kotlinx.coroutines that can work on background threads for kotlin/native. I'm more or less just curious when we were going to see something materialize on the cold streams front. I was expecting the answer of Q4 this year or Q1 2019. I'm fine with waiting.
My team is already busy filling in other library gaps we have for MPP
Could you please elaborate what is missing (and is crucial for you)? We have a lot of thoughts what should be done for MPP (serialization, hashing, specific data structures, Guava stuff, proper CLI etc.), but it’s just too much. And you are one of the earliest adopters of iOS+Android mpp, it would be great to hear your opinion
I’m more or less just curious when we were going to see something materialize on the cold streams front
I think I’ll start prototyping it in the middle of Q3. Our priority is K/N coroutines and structured concurrency ( now. The latter is important to get done because it affects every subsequent design decision and will break backward compatibility for basically every coroutine builder (and we can’t afford that after