if you tell me which API is necessary to wrap, I c...
# coroutines
if you tell me which API is necessary to wrap, I could take a look for the next version
I believe the one both me and @kingsley were thinking of is
, where
Copy code
val x = produce { send(3), send(4), send(5) }

val mapped = x.map { it * 2 }
would provide a channel containing
, while preserving the suspend (and close) semantics meaning, I believe, its safely implemented with
Copy code
inline fun <T, R> Channel<T>.map(
    crossinline transform: (T) -> R
): Channel<R> = produce { 
  for(message in this){
    val next = recieve()
    //try-catch might be a big problem here.
and actually, maybe this is why we wouldnt want to use channels here, because they have no error mechanism for currying exceptions
further, the functional programmers favourite
get a little confusing here
Actually I think this is a fascinating point because I think its raising the question of whether we can express suspension as a monad
we can express any monad as a comprehension
as long as the semantics remain on the same thread
the moment you jump thread you get a divide between datatypes that support asynchrony and those who don't
I'm exploring that at the moment
job may have a monad, we had it at some point IIRC
dunno about channels tho
also, regarding exceptions, Our illustrious coroutine commander-in-cheif has outsmarted me. This is from the docs of
Uncaught exceptions in this coroutine close the channel with this exception as a cause and the resulting channel becomes failed, so that any attempt to receive from such a channel throws exception.
meaning you dont need special try-catch semantics on