Hi! Does anybody know, how future implementation ...
# coroutines
Hi! Does anybody know, how future implementation of continuation (http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rpressler/loom/Loom-Proposal.html) from Java will affect to coroutines? And will affect this proposal at all?
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also I have ask this question at stackoverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49379308/how-future-implementation-of-continuation-from-java-will-affect-to-coroutines-a), I think answer will be interesting for many.
It is too early to tell. We don't know how (and if) this proposal materializes. The goals that are set there are pretty bold and challenging, but even if they are partially achieved we might leverage some of the new JVM APIs for more efficient implementation of Kotlin coroutines.
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@elizarov thanks for answer!
anyway it would be great if jvm libs start to support coroutines/fibers as they do for reactivestreams
It would be great if JVM libs start being asynchronous. It does not matter how (callbacks, futures, rx, anything). We can leverage any kind of asynchronous library
Even if it as messy as a proposed JDBC 2 where every method returns
we can live with it. We can always write nice Kotlin DSL with suspending functions around it.
might be interesting here https://twitter.com/MikaelVidstedt/status/960878394941550592


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