<@U2E974ELT> the other day someone said `withConte...
# coroutines
@elizarov the other day someone said
withContext(UI) { }
was equivalent to
async(UI) { }.await()
, but I am having serious problems with the latter, was that not the case?
@bj0 What "serious issues" do you have with async + await ?
the other way around, I'm reading battery level from a BLE characteristic, it works fine with `async(UI)`+`await`, returns ~86%. If I switch to using
, the read returns 0x64 (100) and then the application crashes with
E/BluetoothManagerService: btsvc manager.putLogs                                                          java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: src.length=494 srcPos=0 dst.length=743 dstPos=0 length=508
maybe that was a red herring, might just be an inconsistent BLE crash.... i'm really hating BLE on android
Weird. You're getting the issue using BleGattCoroutines? Feel free to reach through DM to provide more details, I can probably help