<@U0ZFBBUBU> It looks like all you need is to call...
# coroutines
@groostav It looks like all you need is to call this top level fun to create your handler instance (it's in the core lib.):
Copy code
public actual inline fun CoroutineExceptionHandler(crossinline handler: (CoroutineContext, Throwable) -> Unit): CoroutineExceptionHandler =
    object: AbstractCoroutineContextElement(CoroutineExceptionHandler), CoroutineExceptionHandler {
        override fun handleException(context: CoroutineContext, exception: Throwable) =
            handler.invoke(context, exception)
I think you were missing the CoroutineContext's element key companion object, which is what replaces your context with the default one in the lib, but the above should do the trick...
🤔 1
this function is a factory, I was using an alternative strategy to create it, but in either event, it never gets called. If i call this function, assign it to handler, and then do
it still doesnt get called
does it maybe have to do with the
builder, where the exception-handler only gets notified on
Oh, I think that 0.22 ignores contexts in runBlocking, but I think 0.22.1 it was fixed... (for the dispatcher part, not sure about error handlers...)
But in the source code (even old), it seems just to add contexts, not ignore them... I'd first update to 0.22.1 and maybe try
, maybe that'll help?