That still doesn't do exactly what a throttle shou...
# coroutines
That still doesn't do exactly what a throttle should, but you're reinforcing that the answer is that I need to build it myself.
Coroutines are still young, I agree there's still what to build, but in Rx it's much harder to build... out of curiosity, what's missing from throttle?
it still delays events needlessly
I don't find it any harder to build in Rx–it's basically the same implementation for both
The delay doesn't hold up any threads, so there's no waste
It just suspends
the waste is the time that's delayed when it doesn't need to be
Did you see the 'non-blocking sleep' section in kotlinx.coroutines KEEP document? If you're not holding any threads, I don't see the waste... I think maybe
is maybe a tricky name....
@jw Wouldn't
do the trick?
That would prevent the event source from doing work. I want to prevent the consumer from doing work.
@dave08 time is being wasted in invoking delay when it shouldn't be. your code is more like step consumer not a throttler
@jw How does Rx not waste that time, I guess the actual implementation of delay is better, but this is in the KEEP doc:
Copy code
private val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor {
Thread(it, "scheduler").apply { isDaemon = true }
suspend fun delay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS): Unit = suspendCoroutine { cont ->
executor.schedule({ cont.resume(Unit) }, time, unit)
You're probably aware of this, I'm just wondering for myself, I view the code as avoiding the step consumer that Rx would do behind the scenes...
Rx doesn't have this operator
Oh I thought you meant
or similar... if you actually implement something, I'd be very interested in seeing it... thanks @jw!