The docs say: >>> *IMPORTANT NOTE*: We ad...
# coroutines
The docs say:
>> IMPORTANT NOTE: We advise library authors to follow the same convention: add the “experimental” (e.g. com.example.experimental) suffix to your packages exposing coroutine-based APIs so that your library remains binary compatible. When the final API is released, follow these steps:
copy all the APIs to com.example (without the experimental suffix), keep the experimental package around for backward compatibility. This will minimize migration issues for your users.
👍🏽 3
That's what I remember, but isn't there way to make package migration easier, like
@Deprecated("blabla", ReplaceWith("thisIsBetter()")
can do for functions and properties? Or maybe it's planned? @elizarov can probably tell.
We plan to provide tools to aid in migration. No specific decision on design yet
Is there an issue/discussion I can join about the design of this migration tools?
Not yet