Do I understand correctly that there are no ways t...
# coroutines
Do I understand correctly that there are no ways to have observable collection out of the box? So if I want observable list, I have to have either a channel holding either new copy of the list or incremental changes depending on the use-case?
I would not recommend combining observability and concurrency. Observable frameworks better be confined to UI thread.
I'm actually not having UI in mind, I'm thinking about decoupling of business logic from input events. Right now I have a chain of producers which gets byte buffer from some place (static test data, will later be provided by hardware I/O, doesn't matter for the question though), parses them into well-known commands (described as sealed class) and then updates data layer consisting of several classes with `BroadcastChannel`s. Now I'm working on the logic itself which should act on these classes, and that's where the question regarding collection arises -- there is a collection of entities which can change over the lifetime, and I want to react to these changes. Thinking about it a bit more -- every entity has unique tag, so it's probably just a matter of an additional sealed class with
Added(tag, value)
and changes to the entities themselves should be covered by their own channels. Or am I missing something?
Sorry for quite cumbersome description, I still don't have bird's-eye view on what I'm implementing in mind.
We don't have an out-of-the-box abstraction readily available, but there was somewhat similar use-case that is recorded here:
Yes, looks similar to what I'm looking for, probably with an added notification when new entity is added or removed. Thank you for the link. I should probably investigate if similar problem is solved in some actor framework or coroutine / channel implementation.