I can't immediatly switch to kotlin on my work pro...
# coroutines
I can't immediatly switch to kotlin on my work project. So I started a side project last june with kotlin and coroutines. And it's been months of refactoring, following my comprehension of coroutines! So I +1, starting coroutines immediately in a professionnal project isn't wise.
On YOUR "professionnal project". This doesn't apply to all projects. For example, in my case, I had an Android app made in Java with many ugly code (started it as a junior dev), and after two years, I started using Kotlin, then in the past months (has been 1year 1month since I started using Kotlin), I started using coroutines, and it was smooth and incremental. Didn't prevent me from continuing working on this app, which is a professionnal project too, but is only one example. Of course, if you have a lot of concurrency in your project, switching from anything to anything else to manage concurrency can be expected to be hard and long
Of course it doesn't, I speak about it only for context. As I can't use Kotlin for now, I do it on a side project for training. That forced me to not rush in switching everything immediately. SO it turns out to be a good thing. That's my personnal experience, not meant to be a general truth 🙂
I'm a but curious about why it took you months on your side project though, what were the roadblocks, could you tell?
Nothing, it's just a project to train/practice. So I refactored quite everything as long as I understood kotlin better and better. The project itself is quite light, if I were in a hurry, it would have been done in one week.