Maybe you will share this error message, otherwise...
# coroutines
Maybe you will share this error message, otherwise it’s hard to help you
Yes, sorry for not doing that earlier. I run into an IllegalArgumentException. There's nothing wrong with the number of arguments I provide, maybe it is something to do with Spek and my http library.
Copy code
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: max < 1: 0
	at okhttp3.Dispatcher.setMaxRequestsPerHost(
	at commons.http.HandleResponseKt.handleResponse(HandleResponse.kt:49)
	at commons.http.Http$Companion.get(Http.kt:83)
Looks like misconfigured okhttp3, don’t think that it some how related to Spek or coroutines.
Also, this error not about “the number of arguments” but it fails because you passed 0 to method that requires at least 1 as value
Looks like HandleResponseKt is your class that passes wrong value to okhttp dispatcher, nothing related to Spek
☝️ 1