are kotlin coroutines still "experimental"? is th...
# coroutines
are kotlin coroutines still "experimental"? is there are a timeline for when people should actually use them?
There was actually a recent write-up on the Kotlin blog about this: To summarize:
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Even though coroutines are still labeled as an experimental feature, we’d like to clarify the exact meaning of this status. Coroutines are fully ready to be used in production, we’re using them in our own development, and we’re not aware of any major issues with the implementation. The reason why we keep the experimental status is that it gives us the ability to iterate on the design. Note that, even if we do make changes to the API, the current API will remain supported, even though it will be marked as deprecated, and we will provide the necessary migration tools. According to our current plans, the experimental status of coroutines will be removed in Kotlin 1.3.
👍 2
ah, good to know - thanks!