<@U223RM5CH> You are definitely inventing your own...
# coroutines
@dragas You are definitely inventing your own code style, which makes your code unnecessary harder to read (it occupies way more vertical space than it should for such a simple code). That is the first thing that meets an eye.
That just feels natural, coming from C and all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Remind me of C#, too. I don't miss that style!
👍 5
@dragas well C doesn’t have a standard style guide, which is one of the problems with C and C++. Going from one library to another can feel like going from one language to another. @elizarov It would be awesome if Kotlin would have an official style guide something like PEP8 is python. I know that using Javas takes you a long way, but not all the way. Or are there already initiatives for that?
When you, at least, follow the basics of the Kotlin style it looks quite good and consistent: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coding-conventions.html
That one I’ve missed! It’s a good start