Hello, I’ve got a question about coroutines and if...
# coroutines
Hello, I’ve got a question about coroutines and if what I’m doing is counter-productive: I’ve got 111 urls to download and used coroutines with async {} to do it in parallel. By using CommonPool it takes 10 seconds but by using async(newSingleThreadContext()) per url I get to 6 seconds, almost twice as fast! It’s a gradle plugin meaning a few seconds after downloading all the data the program finishes so I am not worried about the number of threads. Does this makes sense to do it the way I did or is there a better way to be faster while using less threads?
is a limited thread pool, it is limited based on the number of cores you have. Your second version just spawns a new thread for every URL, so they really all download in parallel. This is both not ideal though, ideally you'd use non-blocking IO for this instead of spawning 111 threads.
is made for coroutines that mostly "do nothing" for most of the time (i.e. "wait 20 seconds then do this").
yes, non-blocking IO would be optimal. I wonder if there's a non-blocking http client out there
if you won’t have thousands of threads running, you can still use blocking IO with a dispatcher suited for it something like:
val BLOCKING_IO = Executors.newCachedThreadPool().asCoroutineDispatcher()
Really interesting, thank you all!
I still hope I can use coroutines for its imperative way of writing it
Nice, with @adeln solution I get it in 6 seconds and 725 milliseconds.
So this dispatcher runs all those requests in parallel without opening 111 threads then? How?
It doesn't run them all in parallel. For blocking IO you need one thread per request.
ah yes I see, it reuses threads, so its not the fastest possible, only as you say one thread per request will do it the fastest
dispatcher would create 111 threads and cache them for reuse
size is limited by the number of cores
basically, you shouldn’t use
with blocking IO
Got it, thanks!
I saw it running requests in batches of 5 or 6, so now it makes sense
@galex you can use one of the libraries I posted and still use coroutines because these libraries return `CompletableFuture`s which you can
using coroutines
I will look into those as well, thank you @kirillrakhman
Interesting, thank you